Avoiding Manufacturing ProblemsAvoiding Manufacturing Problems

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Avoiding Manufacturing Problems

After I graduated from college, I started working in my parent's factory. They put me in a management position, and I realized that with that responsibility came a great burden to make the company better. I started realizing that manufacturing problems were eating away at our profits, so I did what I could to make things right. Little by little, I was able to completely revamp the entire process, and before we knew it, the factory was productive and wonderful again. This blog is all about avoiding manufacturing problems so that you can enjoy a great bottom line financially and continued success.

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Fiber Optic Cabling For Industrial Settings: Reasons To Make The Switch

As the owner and of an industrial business, it is important for you to recognize the benefits of technology for your business. Technology streamlines various aspects of your business ranging from communication to screening efficiency. For that reason, it is important that you are able to connect to and retrieve the information you need to keep your business running as smoothly as possible using fiber optics. In fact, there are a couple of reasons why your industry can benefit from the use of fiber optics.

Noise Reduction Capabilities

Industrial workplace settings tend to generate a lot of electromagnetic interference or EMI. Although EMI is typically a concern among employees with certain medical devices, consider the fact that it can also hinder your ability to connect to the internet when necessary for business purposes. Unfortunately, EMI can have a negative impact on copper cabling.

Although copper cabling is quickly being replaced with improved cabling, such as fiber optic cabling, that is not to say it is obsolete. In fact, when it comes to the most consumed industrial metals throughout the world, copper ranks third. Even more interesting is the fact that an estimated 75% of that copper is used to make various items such as telecommunication cables.

Considering that electromagnetic interference can have such a negative impact on the transmission of data, it is best to ensure that you have your copper cabling replaced as soon as possible with more advanced cabling. Luckily for you, fiber optic cable is not susceptible to EMI, meaning you can enjoy uninterrupted data transmission day and night for the benefit of your industrial business.

Increased Data Protection

Data is transferred through fiber optic cabling using light. Therefore, data is able to travel faster and more efficiently when using fiber optics compared to any other cable. Additionally, fiber optics are surrounded by a glass casing, which makes it harder to tap into. Should someone attempt to tap into the fiber optics line, it is likely that they would break the glass, which would then send an alert to the monitoring company.

Of course, hackers can always intercept the signals that radiate from communication lines. Fortunately, fiber optic cables do not transmit the same electrical signals as copper or coaxial cables, therefore making it far more difficult to intercept. In other words, you can ensure the safety of data and information pertinent to the success of your industry.

As an industrial business owner, it is important that you maintain security over your data, particularly related to finances and customer accounts. For that reason, it makes sense to upgrade your lines from either coaxial or copper to fiber optics. Fortunately, you can speak with a professional about the installation of fiber optic lines for your industry. A professional can highlight all of the benefits that you will receive when you make the switch.